Sometimes I Thrift Things.
Sometimes I thrift things. It’s true. I think it all started with my mom’s love of antiques and my dad’s penchant for saving everything. If it’s old and beautiful or may have a purpose in the future, I want it!
Bonus points if it’s a bit quirky.
The joy of finding beauty and purpose in a discarded object is thrilling! My fellow thrifters, you understand this. That feeling of walking into an estate sale or thrift store and finding just the thing you needed (or never knew you needed), bringing it home and giving it new life. It is, *Chef’s Kiss*, it never gets old! The problem is, I don’t always have the need or the space for all the wonderful treasures I find but I know that someone out there does. I’ll often want to shout from the roof tops, “Oh my gosh, someone needs this!”, “Who needs this?”, “Somebody come buy this!” On occasion (read: every time), I myself have bought things simply because they were too perfect to be left behind. Like this tissue box holder.
No notes.
How could I leave it behind?
The reality is, I know not everyone loves the thrill or chaos of entering a thrift store or braving an estate sale. And so, I believe I’ve stumbled on to a solution for the non-thrifters and for me. I will give myself permission to rescue all of the lovelies that I find on my occasional thrift outings, and I will post them on here in the hopes that they find their forever homes. This way, you don’t have to do the work of searching and I don’t have to abandon my love of thrifting! It’s a win-win really.
If you are looking for a special gift or home décor item, be sure to pop on here from time-to-time and see if I’ve found anything you can’t live without.