Sometimes I Make Things.
I’ve always been crafty. Not sneaky crafty, you see, but artsy-crafty. I used to love going to the fabric store as a teenager, choose fun and/or discounted fabrics, and sew things together in my bedroom. Sometimes I used a pattern and sometimes I improvised. I even made (and very poorly, I might add) my senior prom dress. Oh heavens, it was terrible!
Fast forward many, many years and I started making earrings. Leather earrings, to be exact. Going to the leather store to source supplies brought back all those excited feelings that I had as a kid going to look for fabric at JoAnn’s (R.I.P.) or SAS Fabrics. I loved working with leather, I still do! But somehow the earring making sort of fizzled as did the zeal for creating. Time passed, life got busy, but then my kids got bigger…and more independent, and suddenly there was that little spark and desire to do something creative again.
I started painting and I don’t know anything about painting. I painted a large canvas, a not as large canvas, and I dabbled in watercolor-a medium I never thought I liked but I actually love! I bought acrylic markers last year and committed to doing the 100 day project-100 consecutive days of doing something creative! I have done nothing perfectly and I still don’t know the first thing about painting, but I have learned that taking time for creativity is always worth while.
I’d love to get back to leather one day, and I have other big dreamy-dreams, but for now, sometimes I make things. And it’s really, really fun!